Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Agony and the Agony

Mmmn. She's teething. Little face contorted and wailing, cheeks flushed bright pink, a little snot and some swelling. Unconsolable.
It's gonna be another long night. If she won't sleep at all, I've got the first shift. If she sleeps until 2, or 4, then Anette takes her first, and hands her off at the break of dawn.
I've been spending a lot of time sleeping on the couch. See you in the morning, my wife. But somehow it's kind of glorious. It's just so hard-ass, stay up senseless, do what it takes. After a day of managing adults who sometimes act like babies, this feels real.


hexe said...

Hope the teething ends soon and the sleep increases.

more cowbell said...

poor baby! Schade!

Anonymous said...

AH yes I remember it well, fortunately this too shall pass, hang in there both of you..........

Shark-Fu said...

Aw, poor wee one!

But those teeth shall come and then she can eat apples!

Until then...I wish her soothing moments.